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Holy Family Named to AP® School Honor Roll

Holy Family Named to AP® School Honor Roll

Holy Family Catholic High School has been named to the 2023 AP® School Honor Roll.

The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools that have done outstanding work to welcome more students into AP courses and support them on the path to college success.

Research shows that students who take AP courses and exams are more likely to attend college and graduate on time. The students who enter four-year colleges with credits from AP accelerate their path to graduation and build confidence for college success. And even for those who don’t earn college credit, AP coursework provides early exposure to college-level coursework.

This year, 4,570 schools—which represent 30% of eligible high schools nationwide—are being recognized on the 2023 AP School Honor Roll. They include private, public, and charter schools; large and small student bodies; rural and urban populations; and specialized high schools, along with generalized programs.

The AP School Honor Roll offers four levels of distinction: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. 

Qualifying Criteria  

For a school to be recognized on the AP School Honor Roll in a given year, it must: 

  • Meet each of the following criteria for their students in the most recent graduating class; these criteria are anchored in research-based relationships between AP and college outcomes: 
    • College Culture: 40% or more of the graduating cohort took at least one AP Exam during high school.
    • College Credit: 25% or more of the graduating cohort scored a three or higher on at least one AP Exam during high school.
    • College Optimization: 2% or more of the graduating cohort took five or more AP Exams during high school. At least 1 of those exams was taken in 9th or 10th grade so that students are spreading their AP experience across grades rather than feeling disproportionate pressure in any single year. 
  • Have full-time grade-12 enrollments.

To see the full list of recipients of the 2022-23 AP School Honor Roll, including a summary of recipients by state, territory, and province, please visit AP Central®.

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